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獨白.尋想 大提琴

9-NOV(SAT)​ | 2pm-3pm | glue Star Street


大提琴家 黄嘉輝 過去廿多年來應邀到世界各地演出,足跡遍及歐、亞、以及南、北美洲;其中二零一四年夏季應邀前往蘇格蘭,參與演出全球最大藝術節「愛丁堡國際藝穗節」。二零一五年參與拍攝舞蹈電影「城市祭II:當下」,於意大利佛羅倫斯演奏巴赫大提琴組曲。

For more than two decades David has performed in Argentina, Brazil, Canada, France, Italy, Japan, Lithuania, Poland, Uruguay, South Korea, United Kingdom, United States, as well as in Hong Kong, Taiwan and Mainland China. In summer 2014, he was invited to perform at the Edinburgh Festival Fringe, the largest arts festival in the world. In 2015, the dance film “Rite of City II: Present” featured his performance of Bach Cello Suites in Florence, Italy.




David Wong


灣仔電氣街1號1A舖(星街小區 電氣街盡頭)

Shop 1A, 1 Electric Street, Wan Chai

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