也許,Desk-one 溫室就是答案。
空間 – 香港人的每天都要面對的問題。
We believe a well-designed space is essential for you to focus on your goals, destress from the daily hassles and most importantly enjoy your moment.

Our Mission
We create the space to empower work efficiency and promote ideas exchange. Time, should be treasured, and be utilised effectively.

溫室 - 重新定義空間
Desk-one 溫室是一個閱讀、工作、自修的共享空間。
整個概念於2016 年初開始籌備,並在同年10月正式開設銅鑼灣店,在2017-18年間擴充至旺角,荃灣及灣仔星街。
空間,一直是香港的問題。成立Desk-one,是看見生活上缺乏專門為工作及溫習而設計的寧靜及優質空間。 由中學生準備公開試,到大學生傾project;由上班族努力進修,準備不同的專業試及外語試,到社會上漸多人有side projects, slash族及freelancers;或者只是個想靜靜閱讀及寫作的文青;彷彿這個城市的人也在尋找家裡狹小空間或嘈吵咖啡店以外的選擇。
Our Story
Desk-one is a collaborative space --- we co-work, co-read and co-study. We combine the best of café, library and co-working space to create a truly “collaborative” and “shared” space for you to enjoy working, studying and reading in comfort and silence, as you sip through our complimentary hand-crafted beverages in our well-designed tranquil ambiance.
Our concept is original and unique. We promote and treasure collaboration and learning. While people might see this as a pure business concept while copycats starting to emerge in the city, our vision and passion speak for ourselves. We are a team of creative space creators and co-learning enablers. We are delighted to see more options available and we are glad to see change. We are Desk-one.
Desk-one is the space to empower work efficiency.