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Frequently Asked Questions


  • Reservation – 到訪 Desk-one 之前需要預約嗎?
    設有工作枱的 Reading Lounge 和 Quiet Focus Zone 都無須預約,可以隨時到訪。如需使用 Private Room 或 Common Ground,則建議提早 WhatsApp 或致電預約。 Walk-in is available for the seats in our Reading Lounge and Quiet Focus Zone, while advance booking through Whatsapp is suggested for using Private Rooms and Common Ground.
  • Duration of Stay – 到埗時需要預先決定逗留時間嗎?
    不需要。Check-in 後,你可跟隨自己的節奏自由工作,離開時才按逗留時間結算​。 You will be charged for the actual time spent in our space, therefore it’s not necessary to decide your duration of stay when check-in. Feel free to leave earlier or stay longer than you expected.
  • Private Room Booking – 預約 Private Room 有甚麼要求嗎?
    獨立房間沒有額外費用,惟需要至少二人使用或收費。為達至共享原則,房間預約時限為最多六小時。 There is no additional charge for Private Room usage, subject to a minimum of 2 pax charge. The maximum booking and usage time is 6 hours.
  • Seat Availability – 如何知道各間分店內還有沒有座位?
    一般而言,都會有位置的,週末下午 2 - 5 點我們會比較繁忙。前往各分店之前,你可以 WhatsApp、致電或登入 DeskSmart Premium 查詢即時座位狀況。週末如想有更多位置選擇,我們會建議在下午 2點前來。 You may check our seat availability before visit, by WhatsApp or log-in to your DeskSmart Premium account. We generally have seats available, while we can get a little busier during 14:00-17:00 on the weekends. If you plan to visit us on a weekend, you may want to come before 14:00 for more seat choices.
  • Flexibility of Day Pass – 若我打算購買Day Pass,可以中途外出嗎?
    可以。我們是按你來到的時間Check-in,最後離開的時間Check-out,兩者中間的時間來計算收費的。所以若你購買 Day Pass,可於當天自由進出 Desk-one,並在離開時才付費。但留意,如果外出超過1小時,請不要佔用座位,物品可免費暫時存放我們的Lockers。 If you plan to purchase a Day Pass, you may place your belongings on the desk and leave temporarily. Payment can be settled when check-out.
  • Talk Softly – 店內可以談話嗎?
    Reading Lounge 為休閒區域,在不妨礙他人的原則下,可以細聲談話。Quiet Focus Zone 則為靜習區域,所有客人必須保持安靜。 While talking softly is allowed in Reading Lounge, please keep silent at all times in Quiet Focus Zone.
  • Bring Your Own Food – 店內可以進食外帶食物嗎?
    除 Quiet Focus Zone 外,其他區域一律歡迎自攜飲食,惟應避免食物太濃味,以免影響其他客人。每間分店均設有微波爐加熱服務,店員會為你提供協助。 You are welcome to enjoy your own food in Desk-one (except in Quiet Focus Zone), or order take-aways. However, please avoid food with strong flavour or odour that may affect other customers. If you need to reheat your food using a microwave, please ask our members of staff for assistance.
  • Venue Hire – 我可以包場舉辦工作坊、座談會或拍攝等活動嗎?
    可以。旺角、灣仔、沙田及觀塘分店均設有 Common Ground 活動場地,適合15-80人使用,而我們六間分店的Reading Lounge也接受商業拍攝。 詳情請參考 Common Ground,或透過 WhatsApp 與我們聯絡。 Located in our Mongkok, Wan Chai, Sha Tin and Kwun Tong branches, Common Ground is an event venue suitable for 15 to 80 people. Our natural light filled Reading Lounge area at all 6 of our locations are also available for commercial shooting. If you are interested in hiring for workshops, seminars, shootings or other events, please see Common Ground or contact us by Whatsapp.
  • Drinks & Snacks – 店內提供的飲品零食,可以任意享用嗎?
    飲品零食只是輔助大家工作的小夥伴,而非自助餐。希望大家按實際需要享用,切勿濫取或帶離 Desk-one。 Free drinks and snacks are provided in Desk-one. Please take only as you need, and do not take away from our shops.
  • Projector Rental – Desk-one 有投影機租借嗎?
    如欲租用投影機,歡迎在預約 Private Room 或 Common Ground 時,告知我們為你安排。4 人或以下費用為 250 元 / 次,5 至 7 人為 120 元 / 次,8 人或以上豁免收費。 Projectors are available for rental. Please inform us in advance while booking a Private Room or Common Ground. Rental fee per booking: .$250 for 4 ppl or below; .$120 for 5 to 7 ppl; .Fee waived for 8 ppl or above.
  • Printing Services – Desk-one 提供影印服務嗎?
    我們提供各種影印、掃描及列印服務,收費及詳情可向店員查詢。 We provide printing, copying and scanning services. Please ask our members of staff for pricing and assistance.
  • Sockets & Chargers – Desk-one 提供插座或充電線嗎?
    店內每個座位附近,都設有插座可供自由使用。我們亦備有不同款式的手機充電線可供借用,如有需要請向店員查詢。 Sockets are installed nearby every seat in Desk-one. Phone charging cables are also available for borrowing at the front desks.
  • Member QR Code — Desk-one 會員QR Code有什麼用?
    到達分店時,向店員展⽰網站會員頁面內的QR Code,節省Check-in時間,Check-out時以DeskCredits便捷付款,即享$10 到訪優惠,工作更便利。 Present your member QR Code when check-in and pay with DeskCredits when check-out, to enjoy $10 discount and a convenient experience. 每次到訪時出示QR code,於任何分店逗留滿最低消費1小時或以上,即可獲1枚「溫室草嘢」電子印仔。並於會員頁面檢視你的「溫室草嘢」到訪獎賞,其後前往任何⼀間分店換領。 Presenting the QR code to check-in, customers with any single transaction of minimum 1-hour stay or above at any Desk-one’s branches are eligible and entitled to earn e-stamps. Check your latest status in 'Desk-one Rewards’, to redeem in any of our branches.
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