靜觀是一種簡單而有效的身心練習,透過恆常練習,讓你減輕繁忙生活中的壓力、提高集中力和平靜心境。在我們的課程中,您將跟隨導師的指導,深入練習多種靜觀冥想方法,並通過小組互動來強化您的內在力量,照顧好自己的身心。我們的靜觀練習主題包括放鬆、平靜、活力、連繫和自愛,讓您能夠更好地面對生活中的壓力和挑戰。而每堂亦會帶領大家練習深度呼吸、身體感知和觀察思緒的技巧, 讓你放鬆身心,減少焦慮和煩惱。同時,大家更能從過程中更深入地認識及了解自己。
地點:Desk-one 沙田
| 導師 | Karson
Karson is a Certified Mindfulness Teacher offering 8-week Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) programs, organizational mindfulness, and mindful performance training courses in English and Cantonese for the general public, corporates, athletes, international schools, psychotherapy camp; health care centers and teenagers in Hong Kong. He has extensive mindfulness practice with the completion of multiple 10-day long vipassana meditation retreats and volunteered in leading breathing meditation courses for kids.
Karson is also a Mindful Performance Enhancement, Awareness & Knowledge (mPEAK) Certified Coach of UC San Diego Center for Mindfulness and a Mindful Eating Facilitator-in-Training of UMass. Medical School, Center for Mindfulness. He is currently pursuing further mindfulness teacher training at Brown University Mindfulness Center.
Mindfulness related qualification and training:
Certified Mindfulness Teacher (CMTP-0129), International Mindfulness Teachers Association
Qualified MBSR Teacher, University of Massachusetts Medical School, Center for Mindfulness
Mindful Awareness Practices, UCLA Mindful Awareness Research Center
Mindfulness for Health, Breathworks UK & Mindfulness Center AB Sweden
Vipassana Meditation Center Retreats
Mental Health First Aid for Student Administrators Training, City University of Hong Kong